A graduate of B. Voc.in MLT is an all-rounder as far as technologies in a medical laboratory is concerned.
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What is B.Voc program
B.Voc (Bachelor of Vocational Degree) courses are available in several fields for students who have completed their 12th standard or equivalent. This is largely targeted towards youth who want to enhance their employability opportunities to learn, earn and grow. The advantage of these courses is that as against common Degree courses like Engineering or B.Com or B.Sc, here you have multiple exit points and continued exposure to industry. The work experience increases your chances of landing a job. You may also find innovative, trendy and new areas of expertise that match with your interests and job aspirations.
The B.Voc. programmes are offered by universities and colleges alongside other undergraduate (UG) courses. However, unlike the traditional UG courses, B.Voc curriculum is often mapped with job role descriptions as per National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). Since the curriculum is industry and work-integrated and for some reason, if you are unable to complete the 3-year program, you can still obtain a Diploma and Advanced Diploma (or equivalent) after completion of the first and second years respectively. Hence, your knowledge and skills are valued at every level and you will be qualified for a suitable job, as per market requirements. You can even explore becoming an entrepreneur in your domain!
Highlights of B.Voc Degree Courses B.Voc degree programmes are offered in over 200 colleges across the country.
This is a 3 year degree course after Higher Secondary or Intermediate/P.U college with multiple entry and exit points.
Students completing the first year get a Diploma certificate, after second year they get the Advanced Diploma certificate and after completion of three years, the B.Voc. Degree is awarded.
The course curriculum has 40% general education (theory) and 60% vocational training (practical) components.
These programs follow semester system and offer credits after completion of the course.
The students who have enrolled in B.Voc courses appreciate the practical focus and are confident that their chances of getting a suitable job are higher than other graduates.
These courses are expected to comply with NSQF
Highlights of B.Voc Degree Courses
National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF)
The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) is a competency-based framework that organizes all qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. These levels, graded from one to ten, are defined in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess regardless of whether they are obtained through formal, non-formal or informal learning. NSQF in India was notified on 27th December 2013. All otherframeworks, including the NVEQF (National Vocational Educational Qualification Framework) released by the Ministry of HRD, stand superceded by the NSQF.
What is TISS ?
Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS) is a premierinstitute of Social Work in India. It was established in
1936 and was recognized as Deemed to be a University by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of
India in 1964. The vision of the institute is to be an institute of excellence in higher education that
continually responds to changing social realities through the development and application of
knowledge, towards creating a people-centered and ecologically sustainable society that promotes
and protects the dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all, with special emphasis on the
marginalised and vulnerable groups. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) rated
TISS with a score of 3.89 out of 4.00, the second highest score among universities accredited thus far. In
earlier rounds, NAAC had awarded a 5-Star rating to the Institute in 2002, and re-accredited the Institute
with an 'A' Grade in 2010. As per the Gazette notification (dated February 12,2018) TISS is recognized as
category 1 university.
In December 2011, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) set up the School of Vocational Education (SVE) to provide immediate and definite interventions to improve the skill levels of millions of youth, through appropriate vocational training programmes. The target beneficiaries include organized and unorganized workforce across the industries and SVE aims to cover every individual who needs to develop employable skills. Therefore, it has been set up with a vision of creating an ecosystem that would bring back the dignity of labour to all professions and occupations to create sustainable sources of income for the blue collar workforce and youth in the country.
TISS received a seed grant from AICTE to incubate the National Vocational University under the aegis of MHRD, Govt. of India in March, 2012. TISS is also registered with AICTE as a NEEM FACILITATOR.
The approach adopted by TISS-SVE is called the Work Integrated Training Programme (WITP). This Vocational Educational Programme is being implemented for the first time in India with a focus on job- specific skills rather than providing only a broad knowledge based education. The aim of this ‘Earn while you learn’model is to enable the students to learn the skill by engaging in on-the-job training at real shop floor of the industry/company along with theory training in the classroom. Through this model, the trainee may also earn a modest stipend during on-the-job training of the course. Although, this is not mandatory for any institution, TISS-SVE strongly encourages its Skill Knowledge Providers (SKPs) to adopt this practice.
Course Offered
Student eligibility criteria for B.Voc.:
a) HSC / equivalent OR
b) SSC + 2years of ITI
For more details on B.Voc programmes,
Visit : www.sve.tiss.edu
For more details on Diploma programmes, visitwww.sve.tiss.edu/diploma
In December 2011, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) set up the School of Vocational Education (SVE) to provide immediate and definite interventions to improve the skill levels of millions of youth, through appropriate vocational training programmes. The target beneficiaries include organized and unorganized workforce across the industries and SVE aims to cover every individual who needs to develop employable skills. Therefore, it has been set up with a vision of creating an ecosystem that would bring back the dignity of labour to all professions and occupations to create sustainable sources of income for the blue collar workforce and youth in the country.
TISS received a seed grant from AICTE to incubate the National Vocational University under the aegis of MHRD, Govt. of India in March, 2012. TISS is also registered with AICTE as a NEEM FACILITATOR.
The approach adopted by TISS-SVE is called the Work Integrated Training Programme (WITP). This Vocational Educational Programme is being implemented for the first time in India with a focus on job- specific skills rather than providing only a broad knowledge based education. The aim of this ‘Earn while you learn’model is to enable the students to learn the skill by engaging in on-the-job training at real shop floor of the industry/company along with theory training in the classroom. Through this model, the trainee may also earn a modest stipend during on-the-job training of the course. Although, this is not mandatory for any institution, TISS-SVE strongly encourages its Skill Knowledge Providers (SKPs) to adopt this practice.
1. Bachelor of Vocational Education
TISS-SVE currently offers several programmes beginning with a Diploma course and leading to Bachelor of Vocational Degree [B.Voc] in three years. Every individual level / year is a stand-alone certification recognised and awarded by TISS as deemed to be a university. These programmes allow the students who have completed 12th standard or equivalent; to join directly at NSQF Level 5, based on their academic achievements. The target group for these programmes are largely marginalized youth who are seeking non-formal educational methods to enhance earning capabilities and thereby improve their livelihood conditions. B. Voc. programmes follow flexibility and progression in education, as elaborated in the image below.Course Offered
Student eligibility criteria for B.Voc.:
a) HSC / equivalent OR
b) SSC + 2years of ITI
For more details on B.Voc programmes,
Visit : www.sve.tiss.edu
2. Short Term & Skill Enhancement Programmes
These Programmes are for the professionals or (in some cases fresh graduates) who seek to enhance earning capabilities through up- gradation of skills which are in demand in industry. The duration of these courses will range from a few weeks upto under a year. Depending on the duration, the certification awarded will be titled as Diploma or Certificate.For more details on Diploma programmes, visitwww.sve.tiss.edu/diploma